Recall that lawsky just last week unilaterally castigated the UK-based bank for brazenly and wantonly eviscerating state and federal banking rules against dealing with Iranian entities. 上周,洛斯基单方面发起了对这家英国银行的指控,严厉斥责该行与伊朗实体进行交易,肆无忌惮地违反纽约州和联邦的银行业法规。
The Federal Reserve instituted new rules. 美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)制定了银行业薪酬指引。
That may be difficult, since federal law and FCC rules prohibit the use of cell phone jammers. 由于联邦法律和联邦通信委员会规定禁止对手机信号进行干扰,所以这个想法也许很难实现。电影业正想方设法增强观众对于电影的兴趣。
Proponents of the Federal Rules approach to admissibility believe that taken together, these rules address all the concerns embodied in the Frye rule. 联邦证据规则可采性方法的支持者相信,这些规则能够包含所有Frye规则中包含的事项。
Mr Obama, for example, has said his administration will be less inclined than its predecessor to invoke federal rules to shield companies from state consumer-protection laws. 比如,奥巴马就称自己的政府不会像前任那样,援引联邦法律来保障公司不受消费者保护法律影响。
In 1938, the Supreme Court promulgated the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which are periodically updated and renewed by the U.S. Judicial Conference. 在1938年,最高法院发布了民事程序联邦规章,该规章由美国司法会议定时校正、更新。
New federal rules establishing the nation's first medical privacy standards are likely to cause confusion in the short run, experts say. 专家表示,旨在建立国内第一个医护隐私标准的新联邦法规可能在短期内并不会一帆风顺。
Every federal agency must publish its rules of procedures, available forms and descriptions of all papers, final reports or examinations. 每个联邦机构必须公布程序规则,可用格式及所有资料的描述,最终报道及检查。
Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character. 联邦行政机构发布规章制度是一个准立法行为。
However, the income source rules and residence rules in the states are different from the federal rules, although the results may be similar in the majority of cases. 不过,对有关收入来源和居民这两项,各州与联邦的规定虽有不同,但结果则可能大致一样。
While not explicitly repudiating the Frye rule, the Federal Rules adopt a more permissive approach. 联邦证据规则虽然没有明确批判Frye规则,但是它们采纳了一种更加宽容的方法。
After the Federal Rules of Evidence were enacted, a number of jurisdictions abandoned Frye. 联邦证据规则颁布之后,许多地区都摒弃了Frye规则。
The sticker was a violation of Federal Aviation Administration rules, according to the airline. 贴,是违反了联邦航空管理局的规则,根据该航空公司。
Federal courts also interpret federal legislation and federal agency rules and decisions. 联邦法院也解释联邦法律、机构规章及决定。
The judge has more discretion under the Federal Rules. 根据联邦证据规则,法官有更大的自由裁量权。
Federal Aviation Administration rules require airports to study the risks of wildlife to safe airport operations. 联邦航空局的规定要求各机场研究野生生物的撞击的危险以使机场能够安全的运行。
The Federal Reserve issued its final rules for a second round of stress tests at America's biggest banks. 联邦储备系统公布了关于第二轮美国最大的银行压力测试的正式规定。
In September, the Federal Reserve relaxed rules that required private equity firms to register as bank holding companies if they acquired more than 24.9 per cent of a bank. 此前的监管条例规定,如果私人股本公司收购一家银行的股权超过24.9%,就必须注册成为银行控股公司。美联储(Fed)在9月份放宽了这项规定。
Private equity firms have trouble buying banks because federal rules bar investors holding more than 24.9 per cent of a bank from owning other kinds of companies. 私人股本公司一直很难收购银行,因为美国联邦规则规定,持有一家银行24.9%以上股权的投资者不得拥有其它类型的公司。
Every state court has its own set of rules, which are typically not as detailed or strict as the federal rules. 各州法院有自己的规则,它们很明显的不象联邦法院那么详尽或严谨。
As part of a system introduced during the civil war, federal rules enforced by the OCC override state law. 作为美国南北战争期间推出的一项制度的一部分,由美国货币监理署执行的联邦法规,地位高于各州法律。
Currently, the norm of Arrest of Ship System of the United States is mainly Maritime Litigation Supplementary Regulations of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and some cases. 目前规范美国扣船制度的主要是美国联邦民事诉讼规则.海事诉讼补充规定和一些判例。
The US Securities Class Action Institution virtually referred to the application of Federal Rules of Class Action to the field of securities fraud. 美国的证券集团诉讼制度,实乃指美国联邦集团诉讼规则在证券欺诈领域的具体适用。
The article discusses the general theory of admissibility of expert evidence, introduces some important cases relating to the admissibility of expert evidence and developments of federal rules of evidence in the US since the threshold of the last century. 本文介绍了专家证据可采性的一般理论,梳理了一百多年来美国法上有关专家证据可采性的若干重要判例及联邦证据规则的演进过程。
From 1883, the Federal Court "Rules of the Federal Value" section 48, the U.S. dispute settlement mechanism groups began to explore its own characteristics. 从1883年的联邦法院《联邦衡平规则》第48条开始,美国的群体纠纷解决机制就开始了有美国特色的探索。
We also should be concerned about the related institutions of impeachment evidence, in addition to the specific provisions of "the Federal Rules of Evidence" and Common Law, when investigating that of the U.S rules. 在考察美国弹劾证据使用规则时,除了关注《联邦证据规则》以及普通法的一些具体规定外,还要注意弹劾证据存在的相关配套基础。
Secondly, the hearsay rule of the United States of America catching up from behind the carried out a detailed analysis, in order to "the federal rules of evidence" as the key point, expounds the United States hearsay exceptions. 其次,对后来居上的美国的传闻规则进行了详细解析,以《联邦证据规则》为重点,系统阐述了美国的传闻例外规定。
About the exception of the hearsay rule in the United States criminal procedure, this article focuses on "the federal rules of evidence" related to the hearsay rule and its exceptions. 关于美国刑事传闻规则的例外,本章重点介绍了《联邦证据规则》有关传闻规则及其例外的规定。